Cats find grooming important to themselves. You will often see them licking their fur or grooming their nails. Typically, cats do not have to be groomed. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t cases where grooming becomes a necessity. Is your cat tearing up your favorite items? Was your cat sprayed by a skunk? Is your cat shedding nonstop? Do not fear, there are tools that will help you quickly take care of your immediate problems.

Essential Tools/Precautions for DIY Cat Grooming

Grooming Brushes/Combs

Cats are naturally active animals. They climb, run, and hide. It is often found that they enjoy exploring tight spaces and under furniture. These actions often cause painful knots and produce excessive hair balls. Hairballs can even show up in through their feces if the condition worsens. It is important to consistently brush their tangles out efficiently through the following tools, especially if your cat is in dire need.

Safety Precaution: Brushing and combing typically doesn’t cause erratic behavior. But, cats only like to be given attention when then desire it. You must account for the fact that they may be uncomfortable with the process. In this case, they will attack. Try using gentle grooming gloves to keep them calm.

  • Gentle Grooming Gloves: These special gloves have surfaces made with rubber grooming pads. These surfaces act like cat tongues, which is what they use to groom themselves. The Kitty Tongue Glove will leave them feeling safe about your touch as it feels as if they are self-grooming or being groomed by their parent.
  • Bristle Brush: Will help create shine in your cat’s fur. Best for loosening tangles.
  • Wide/Fine-Toothed Comb: For short-haired cats, the fine-toothed comb is best. For long-haired cats, the wide-toothed comb is ideal. Combs actually remove shedding hairs.
  • Detangler/Fur Mat: An alternate route for fur/hair care. This allows the cat to easily self-groom to their best efforts because there isn’t always time to brush/comb your cat. Product recommendation:  The FURminator

Professional Nail Clippers

Cats are good with keeping their claws well groomed most of the time. But, are they constantly shredding your furniture and leaving scratches on the human in doing so? Nail clippers guarantee a quick and easy way to prevent issues like screen door tears and more.

Safety Precautions: Most cats become offensive when you hold them down to cut their nails because nail clippers put disagreeable pressure onto their paws. Most amateurs often cut too far and strike a nerve. Make sure to cut only the excess nails and do not cut deep. To ease their discomfort of limiting their movements during this procedure, utilize the gentle grooming gloves to keep them calm and still.

  • Scratching Post: Autonomous route. Allows the cat to groom their nails without ruining your things.
  • Nail Clippers: Simple tool, easy to use when your cat is cooperative. Use when scratching post isn’t enough or you need a quick-fix method.
  • Electric Nail Trimmers: For an alternate method. But beware of your cat spazzing from the electric noise. Most cats prefer the regular nail clippers. Product Recommendation: Professional Stainless Nail Clippers

Oral/Dental Care:

Depending on what food your cat consumes, they may have a foul smell. Some cats have weak gums or grow gum disease with old age. If this is the case, dental care must be regulated for your pet’s safety and longevity. You can detect oral discomfort among cats through their actions: trouble chewing, excessive licking and drooling.

Safety Precautions: At all costs, do not use human products for your cat’s dental care. Especially, human toothpaste. It contains ingredients that are toxic for your pet.

  • Feline Toothpaste: Safe product for your cat. Cleans bacteria and eliminates odor.
  • Sterile Gauze: Make sure this gauze is made for cats. A cheaper, efficient, and most sanitary solution for cleaning your cat’s teeth. You just wrap the gauze around your finger and add feline toothpaste to clean.
  • Toothbrush: Efficient and less stringent on your hands. You can reach deeper areas within your cat’s mouth.
  • DIY Toothpaste: You can use natural ingredients for your cat’s oral care. Only requires two items from your kitchen: 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 0.5 teaspoons of water. Stir until the ingredients become pasty like toothpaste! Product Recommendation: Cat Dental Kit

Cat Cleaning/Bathing

Cats are infamous for hating water. They do not like to be bathed. A bonus is that they bathe themselves regularly by licking themselves, which cuts your labor most days. However, there are instances where there they cannot get rid of their odor or dirt. At this time, utilize these tools for quick remedies.

Safety Precautions: Do not use any type of shampoo or cleaner to bathe them. Wrong products can irritate their skin causing rashes and other comparable problems. If possible, use the cleaning methods that do not possess water use. Try your best to ease the bathing process for you and your cat.

  • Feline Shampoo/Conditioner: The method cats and owners fear. Produces the deepest cleansing.
  • Pet Wipes: Wipes are easy to dispose of. It easily removes dirt and other undesirables.
  • Waterless Bathing: This method is highly recommended by professionals. There are oil products that help get rid of odor and dirt on your cat. Product Recommendation: Hypoallergenic and Odorless Wipes